Stock and Share Capital
CAF shares are listed on the four Spanish stock exchanges, on the Continuous Market
CAF has been listed on the continuous market since its stock market debut in 1926.
The current share capital amounts to 10,318,505.75 euros, corresponding to 34,280,750 shares of EUR 0,301 par value each, represented through book entries, fully subscribed and paid up, all quoted on the stock exchange. CAF shares traded on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia on the Continuous Market. Each share present in person or by proxy in the General Meeting of Shareholders carries the right to one vote.
Its ISIN code is ES0121975009 and its ticker symbol is 'CAF'.
Share Capital
10.318.505,75 €
10.318.505,75 €
10.318.505,75 €
10.318.505,75 €
10.318.505,75 €