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Average Supplier Payment Period

Below is detailed the information required by the final provision two of Law 31/2014, of 3 December (amended by the additional provision three of Law 18/2022, of 28 September), prepared in accordance with the ICAC Resolution of 29 January 2016, on the information to be included in the annual accounts report regarding the average payment period to suppliers in commercial transactions.

DAYS (per year)
Year 2024Year 2023
Average payment period to suppliers76,3077,76
Paid operations ratio76,0175,94
Outstanding payment operations ratio77,1383,43
Total payments made1.376.120 €1.316.672 €
Total outstanding payments483.344 €424.205 €
DAYS (per year)

Invoices paid to suppliers within a period shorter than the legal maximum (2024)

Thousands of €Number of Invoices% On the total of payments% On the total of invoices
Thousands of €442.535
Number of Invoices126.969
% On the total of payments32%
% On the total of invoices34%

In accordance with the ICAC Resolution, for the calculation of the average payment period to suppliers, commercial transactions related to the delivery of goods or provision of services accrued since the effective date of Law 31/2014, of 3 December, have been considered. 

The maximum legal payment term applicable to national companies in the 2023 financial year, according to Law 3/2004, of 29 December, which establishes measures to combat late payment in commercial transactions and in accordance with the transitional provisions established in Law 15/2010, of 5 July, is 60 days, unless a payment date or term has not been agreed, in which case it will be 30 days.
